The madness and ignorance of race and ethnicity

Quite the debated topic as one would see, as the argument generally becomes quite heated when surrounding either one of these topics. On one hand there are views where there is only one race "the human race," and on the other race is chopped up into subcategories so to separate people, black race, white race and the list continues and so to does the madness! Created mainly to suggest power and to keep others in their place so to speak, it is now an old philosophy with its roots so dug into the ground that is may be nearly impossible to destroy the misconceptions of race completely.
Ethnicity, despite in some cases where it overlaps race actually differs considerably on key issues, it may not necessarily be about power, they create categories for themselves plus an abundance of other things. However when the two arguments come together most people find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place, and I am quite sure that there would be a large number of people who if asked their view on the matter would innocently reply that they are one and the same, yet after an interesting read one could surely dismiss that statement. Yet despite this, whenever has it been so easy to convince people otherwise on this topic as has been found out through the ages and even in the discussion in class.

1 comment:

  1. Despite some commonalities, ethnicity is a distinct category. Race truly differs significantly on important matters; it isn't always about power; they construct groups for themselves, among other things.
    Outlook Bellen
